Dota 2 needs an official forum dedicated to community; the dev forum needs to be cleaned up

100% agreed with this.

As has been noted below, Liquipedia does SORT of fill this niche. The problem is twofold; the reason many people prefer reddit over Liquipedia is the fact that reddit just reads and formats more easily (and you can more easily customize how the page looks), and the fact that Valve have a much better track record responding to reddit than to Liquipedia.

I think the problem comes in when trying to use /r/dota2 for multiple purposes. I mean, the amount of flairs available on the sub is mind-blowing, and none of them actually feel redundant. Everything possibly relating to Dota 2 is posted here, as it should be. But the fact that development suggestions and ideas are grouped with fluff, memes and esports discussions results in a crowded page where legitimate concerns are often overlooked or never overcome the initial "spammy" downvotes.

The problem with the dev forums is that the maintenance and cleanup of the pages rely on Valve, who (as we know) aren't the most responsive lot most of the time. This leads to a whole heap of trash everywhere, and actually makes the devs' work a lot harder.

I think one of two solutions could solve this problem. One method could be that the sub moderators create a "dev only" category (similar to how you can select that Fluff posts be filtered out), so that people have a way of viewing the "serious" side of the sub; that should also make the posts a lot more visible. I can then come to the sub, read it in all its meme'd glory, and then turn the "dev only" tag on, and put my Carl cap on to get some proper problem solving going in the serious threads. That way there will also be more "space" on the front page for serious threads, as you can now "create" a new front page that has only serious threads on.

The other is that one of your friendly neighbourhood dota 2 community sites tags a dev forum onto its site. I'm thinking gamepedia, dotabuff/datdota/2P, or even just have JD or Liquipedia revamp their forum section. This way you can draw in moderators from the community to keep the pages relatively spam-free, and have mods that can actually reply to requests for features or to remove something irrelevant. This could then become a more central space to post and discuss dev-related issues, that Valve could keep an eye on instead of having to sift through the crap on dev.dota2 or looking for the one technical post on page 4 of /r/dota2.

/r/DotA2 Thread