Down the robot hole

Hmm, I get used to get manic about stuff all the time but I have evened myself out a bit sense then. I love running too. I like to be outside doing things, not inside being lazy. Too bad most of the people I know spend most of their time inside doing unhealthy bullshit.

Anyway, I'd read the FAQ or whatever, and if I remember correctly I usually faired best if I had eaten something first but not right before, more like 2:30-3:30 hours prior. Something fatty. I can't prove it but perhaps the dxm is absorbed into the fatty foods in the small intestine and it makes it a bit easier to digest. I'd probably go slowly too, and swallow a bit at a time, wait 20 min, then a bit more, etc.

It's really cool stuff. I'd start out kind of slow and work your way up. Like I said this stuff is extremely finicky, and the effects of dosages can vary wildly from one day to the next, so you really have to go slow and learn it for yourself. Also evaluate how you feel about the physical effects. If in the end you think it might not be good for you, maybe think if you need it in your life badly enough to risk doing harm to yourself. It probably (definitely) isn't the safest drug out there in terms of side effects and can have cognitive and physical effects that last anywhere from several days to a month or so. Nothing debilitating or even necessarily negative, but I remember feeling a bit retarded and having trouble articulating myself well to various degrees after trips. It definitely varies a lot in physical effects from person to person though, so YMMV.

Be safe, respect this stuff, and if you decide to do it make sure to leave plenty of time between experiences to let your body readjust/ recover.

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