DPS classes - help in picking one

This comment is not just meant for you, but this is the first time I’ve seen someone mention the meta here in a while.

We really need to get away from suggesting every player play “the meta” classes. The meta will affect only the top 1% of players in the game. The other 99% of the players will not be significantly affected by the synergy that these jobs bring together.

Further, the meta should truly be suggested once someone has finished the fights and know the mechanics. In prog, I’d argue that having a rdm with its verraise is significantly better than having both bard and machinist around. Because the utility that that skill can bring is a heck of a lot better for seeing fights than the extra minimal dps that a second ranged physical dps can bring. Especially when players are dying all over the place.

OP, every job is viable. Play the one that is the most fun for you. If you really want to be the best of the best, level one of the jobs the above poster mentioned, but do it because you find the job fun. Don’t do it because the meta demands it. You’ll burn out a lot quicker if you get slotted into a job you don’t enjoy.

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