I can't take this any more [vent]

I'm tired of "I've tried online dating! What now?"

OLD is an awful way to meet someone. They're just hook up sites, despite what anyone on there writes in the text book. You want genuine advice? I saw your okcupid profile in your history. You have absolutely no idea what girls like and what to talk to girls. I mean, you even started it right off with basically "I like playing video games. I moved on to the PC master race lately." You kept talking about "I'm an engineer! Look how smart I am!" And talked about computers and technology and some cheesy line about self improvement. OP, you need to learn how to behave around girls. They don't want to hear about how good you are at C++ and Java.

Keep your career goals and computer hobbies to yourself and your guy friends who like the same things, but bring something new to girls. I'm sure you wouldn't want to hear her talking about shopping and makeup forever. And also, you don't seem to realize that being smart =/= being attractive. Intelligent people are attractive because they are useful, not because they take engineering.

Also, what your counselor meant was basically women will look for guys with high income and stable job later in life when they want kids. Having personally seen this with girls my age (mid twenties), it seems like women realize that these 80k/year jobs with benefits and pension are actually difficult to get once they finish school with their psychology degree. So the sentence "I'm an engineer" is only impressive after you landed a high paying job. Otherwise, only your mom cares.

I'm not in a good mood right now. What I'm trying to say is: The system isn't unfair (well, it is, but not how you'd think so) It's actually you and your personality. You seem to have no clue how to behave around girls, and judging by your Okc profile, you have basically no sex appeal.

Hope that helped more than whatever your counselor said. Good luck OP

/r/ForeverAlone Thread