Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson explains what went wrong with Islam.

No, his point was that educated Muslims can still become terrorists. I'm not refuting that, might point is that the vast majority of educated Muslims become... just educated Muslims, that's it. He was trying to make the point that most of the upper echelons of terrorist groups are educated, well no shit, you have to be smart in order to convince young men to kill themselves. The higher ups in almost every company, country or movement are educated men and women, so I don't see how educated Muslims are something special in this case.

What I'm saying is that educated Muslims are simply just educated Muslims.

Also, while I'm no psycologist (and you probably aren't either), I wouldn't say Bin Laden was insane. I'd say he was an incredibly evil man, but insane is not something I would call him. The men who actually flew planes into the trade towers and pentagon were certainly at the very least incredibly misguided, at the most down right psychotic, but Bin Laden didn't do that. Bin Laden died pushing women in the path of fire, fearing for his life, but that's a subject for a different discussion.

What I'm saying is that educated Muslims are just that; educated Muslims. What /u/zamzam73 is implying is basically that educated Muslims can become terrorsits, which while true, doesn't really add much to the discussion. Are we to assume that every Muslim that wants an education is a threat? Are we to deny Muslims access to higher education? Are we to then force Muslims into second class roles? Is that condusive to a society that prides itself on equality and personal freedom, or does that feed right into ISIS's hands when they say the west is an evil empire that hates Islam?

ISIS wants people like /u/zamzam73 to perpetuate their personal bias and fear of Muslims. That fear drives segregation, which drives intolerance, which drives terrorism. I'm not sure what you're trying to say, like at all. It sounds like you're defending /u/zamzam73's statement, which in context with what I said before, is basically saying that an educated Muslim is just as bad as Bin Laden. So if that is what you are truly defending, then you should just not speak about anything anymore.

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