Drama in /r/britishproblems. Brit makes joke about Americans, American makes joke about Brits, but gets downvoted for it and "banter" ensues.

You're the whipping boy because countless times it's been shown that your government is royally fucking you over (i.e the random tests on inoocent people to inject them with STIs, NSA also) and yet you're all still, happy? I think everyone else is aware our governments are probably fucking us (or maybe the children, our politicans have no limits) but don't want it to be true. You guys have actual evidence that would make most smaller nations revolt, but you guys just kinda, don't. Oh not to mention your police force is ridiculously corrupt for a nation of that stature. There seems to be absolutely no sense of accountability in your country, people do terrible things and then walk away no problem. Bizarre.

Additionally the bible belt of America makes parts of the country comparative to the middle ages.

I mean it'd make sense if your alternative option was good, but like, you go to college and get lumped with ridiculous debt, if you get injured that's more debt. Want a home? Debt.

Finally America seems to be finding it extremely difficult to separate state & religion, but we're seeing it happen a lot over Europe and the affects of that (Lots of Nationalist parties who have roots in religion are gaining small followings). Saying you're an Atheist in Europe and the US can have two very different outcomes. From my experience only certain groups/areas of England care about religion, in the US it seems to be integrated into your business, politics, news, education etc. It's mental.

Sorry if this is all wildly wrong but it's the impression of the US i've got after browsing reddit for 2 years (i.e probably wildly wrong)

/r/SubredditDrama Thread Parent Link - np.reddit.com