Drivers license instructors: what happened on your worst test you've given?

I wasn't the instructor but here is my story anyway. (UK by the way)

I grew up on a farm and as a result i learnt to drive around twelve to get inbetween field and orchards so when I came to do my driving lessons I already knew how to drive so i just needed to learn how to navigate the roads, lane structure etc.

Well my friends and I had a hobby of drag racing in shitty beat up cars in fields once they had been cut in the summer. To cut a long story short I learnt how to accelerate.

After about 12 lessons I did my driving test and everything was going swimmingly, out of the corner of my eye I could spot only 3 minors for different thing on the test sheet the instructor was holding. So I was feeling pretty confident as there was only about 10 minutes left and then we came up to a narrow road with a lorry parked on my side so i was giving way to the constant stream of traffic. 30 seconds goes by and another 15 seconds then I see the bastard of a driving instructor put down a minor for hesitating.

18 year old me thought this was bullshit and wanted to teach him that I was not a hesitant driver. So after about another 10 seconds I saw the gap i was going to go for behind a car approaching so i started to rev my engine a tiny bit, the instuctor awoke from his daydreaming about pies, oil changes and paperwork. He knew what was happening and propped his glasses up and sat up right.

Well the car passed and I went for it, i revved the little 1.2 litre vauxhall corsa engine and took off letting out a bit of tire squeal, one hand on the wheel and the other on the gear stick. I went round the lorry and was on the straight, the engine in first gear screaming at 5000rpm things are starting to rattle i knew it was time...BOOM... second gear with the perfect rev match as we are accerating I glance at the driving instuctor who is now stuggling with the G's, his beard parting like the red sea, his eyes bloodshot behind his fogged up glasses. He has lost his only hair on his head and he is not happy, everything goes into slow motion as we both track it with our eyes as it land in the back seat, as we turn our heads to look at the road ahead we catch each other eyes, I look into his pleading eyes behind his glasses, I see his soul, I feel it leave his body and travel into my rock hard penis whilch has pierced through my jeans and is now operating the air con. Whilst my head is turned I force the car into 3rd gear and look at the road whilst swerving back into my lane, I look down at the speedometer... 27mph.

I turn into the test centre and pick up the instuctor who is now a baby and hand him over at the front desk. I get out my debit card and prepare the pay for my test i ask how i need to pay, the woman says £65. I say it far too much money and leave the test centre.

I look at the car I have christened tip my fedora and skate away on my heelys.

/r/AskReddit Thread