Drupal Commerce or Magento? Which is the better ecommerce platform?

If your requirements fit neatly in a box, or you are new to ecommerce, then Magento might meet your needs. But I think that Drupal Commerce is a better platform for a number of reasons. It integrates at a very deep level with Drupal, which means that you have full access to all of the features and admin tools of Drupal. In the post Panda/Penguin/Hummingbird world, content marketing is king. The community edition of Magento lacks the tools you need for this, whilst Drupal has them in spades. The Views module, which in simple terms is a query builder that lets you create pages and blocks within pages that contain any content you want. Makes building features such as Related Products very easy. Yes, you can get modules for that sort of thing but chances are the modules themselves leverage Views, which means you can often customise what the module is doing without coding. The Rules module, which lets you create workflows for almost any scenario. As with Views, it's relied heavily on by other modules (e.g. Shipping) which means you can also customise what those modules are doing. There is no "paid module" ecosystem in the Drupal world. Modules are provided by their developers for free, and the community at large is very good at supporting these modules with patches and improvements. Drupal does large scale websites very well. You'll need a decent server infrastructure to run it, but it can handle a lot of traffic with ease.

All that said, if all you've ever done is set up Wordpress or the community edition of Magento on a home PC to play with, then Drupal Commerce probably isn't the platform for you to start developing an online store with. It's powerful, but complex, and comes with a reasonably steep learning curve.

You can try out Drupal Commerce using a pre-configured Drupal Commerce platform called Kickstarter (check out the Drupal Commerce website to find it). It's easy to install and comes configured ready to go. I don't recommend you use it as the base platform to build your own site with, but it's a great introduction to the world of Drupal Commerce.

For more, check out this post on 10 reasons why Drupal + Drupal Commerce is the best solution for an integrated ecommerce platform: http://www.millionleaves.com/blog/10-reasons-why-drupal-drupal-commerce-best-solution-integrated-ecommerce-platform

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