I use Dual Blades, and I'm looking to really push my DPS to the next level, and would like some resources of great dual blade players.

There are so many things that aren't right in this post. First, yeah bow has more dps, no joke, it's the second highest dps in the game after hbg. A good bow player will always have more damage than a db player if it is just a braindead lock situation. Then, why tf would it be a problem? If you want so hard to outdps him, take a spread hbg. But you can also accept that he has more damage than you and just play. Then, if your set is meta, then I don't know what you want us to do. You have the best set already, so just practice. You want us to send you all existing dbs speedruns? Just go on the leaderboards, they're all there. Finally, it is a game, maybe you should stop comparing d*cks with everyone and just play, if you want to flex just speedrun then. Oh and about what you said for SOS, then maybe you should consider playing alone to improve. I understand this as: as soon as you don't have your experienced mates to lock the monster, you don't know how to fight it anymore. Your post is really disturbing for me as you see problems where there are none for me.

/r/MonsterHunterMeta Thread