
Yeh like, a bike going full speed would give a car zero time to assess a crossing, he could have checked the cross, looks clear, look d in his mirror, looked forward, boom already someone right in front of you. The speed a bike can suddenly be right by you from being nowhere to be seen is underestimated. Especially when drivers are supposed to be looking at several things at the same time.

This is partly why in Canada if you cross a crosswalk on a bike you are supposed to dismount and walk it across(not that anyone ever doest), it just slows everything down in a hazardous spot.

At the end of the day, only you can look out for you, regardless of right of way, if I'm on a bike and have right of way, I'll wait till it's safe tyvm, why would you trust and assume you are seen when the only person getting injured is you.

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