'Duty of care': Teen sues Victoria's education department over homophobic bullying

Assuming you read the same article as I did. Let's see: he was physically and verbally abused by other kids. He did all the right things - went to numerous teachers at the school and the principal and vice principal. He got his mother involved and even she asked for help. Help was not offered. The bullying continued. He was physically bashed with a skateboard and received death threats. The police were involved and an intervention order was granted against the bullies.

Wrong. Intervention was taken. Plenty of courses of action. Try reading more than one article to get to the truth of the matter. Additionally, as I said in my very first post, i'm not talking about external intervention, I'm talking about the boy taking things on on his own shoulders - self belief, self values, developing his own self esteem, standing up to it individually himself. It can get you far. That's what I was advocating rather than suing for money. Not just leaving it in the hands of the system and taking it because you don't know anything else other than victimhood - that's the real heart of the problem. Not get as much money as he can like you suggested.

Does a school have a duty of care to protect kids against bullying and assault? Imagine you are answering this question in a job interview setting at a primary school you are hoping to teach. Yes. Or no?

Do you realize that beyond a basic policy, what programs are in place for believing in yourself, standing up for yourself and being responsible for your own self esteem? That you're responsible for what you tell yourself about yourself? That you've also got a hand in the outcome? It's not just left up to a single 'policy' as your ignorance would brainwash people into believe. No you don't, because you have no expertise on the matter outside of your own unresolved issues.

This kid has suffered physical and mental damage from abuse which should not have occurred. The school was negligent, it was derelict in its duty of care. He is just a kid, and he has suffered a major setback in his life because so-called adults like yourself fail to do the responsible thing.

See right there? See how much of a bitter, issue filled troll you are? It's insane. You paint the picture of yourself, above anyone else having to even breathe in your direction because you can't even handle slightest bit of difference of opinion without manipulating what people say, falsely accusing them in order to play this victim. You have no idea at all what advocacy or work I've done for bullying both in Australia and overseas, not just in the primary sector but in camps. None. Here's the difference between me and that boy and what I wish he had done: Your garbage is totally transparent. I don't let it define me, or change my experiences, myself esteem, my work or how I see myself. I see you as a bitter, manipulative, dishonest individual online with unresolved issues on your sexuality. The fact that you're so prepared to jump on a person who encourages the boy to believe in himself first before aiming to sue for money accusing me of advocating child abuse - screams volumes about your insubstantial, unobjective position which is incredibly sick. That is precisely how I wish that boy had viewed those few kids, it would've changed everything for him.

And for so-called adults like yourself who run these schools, on whom society puts a duty of care to protect kids, there are consequences for failing to meet those expectations.

Let me educate you on a small matter. I know you like to play the sanctimonious character, from reading one individual article, ready to jump on anyone and everyone you don't like, ready to be manipulative and play the victim, but I'll give you a heads up on something if you ever wanted to make a difference in a child's life: The school won't be sued itself, it'll be the state department of education the school is governed by. However, here's the crux of the matter: when you're looking after children you don't give them the message that you in one of your prior posts "I HOPE THEY SUE THE SCHOOL FOR EVERY CENT THEIR WORTH!!!" you give them messages of self esteem, self belief, self talk and standing up for themselves. That they also have a hand in the outcome and it the ideal one is not to blanket the case like you have - POOR BOY - POLICY - SUE! That's an extremely simplistic outlook and one that is manipulative and encourages people to remain a victim and rely on suing the department. What I believe is significantly more worthwhile is teaching that boy about those few other kids, about their words, and what meaning he can make of them, and what he can say to himself about himself in the face of them and away from them. That is far more self empowering that running blindly by a policy and suing the department.

Time for you to grow up, troll.

Let's examine what growing up doesn't entail that you've encapsulated. Manipulative and twisting people's' words for the sake of your argument. Playing the sanctimonious character while attempting to and failing to undercut people you don't like. Having a dishonest dialogue with others based on your own unresolved issues. When you're held responsible for any these things? What is your catch cry? TROLL TROLL TROLL - Grow up. It'll be far better for those around you whom you're supposedly espousing positive messages for!

/r/melbourne Thread Parent Link - theage.com.au