Edward Snowden designs a device that will warn you if your iPhone's radios are snitching.

The criminal activity.... that the government was doing? Is that what you're saying?

Again, it was vague and poorly defined enough that it took a series of court decisions to determine that one aspect of all the activity was going too far. It was stopped before it was due to expire anyway.

Or do you mean the criminal activity of potential terrorist acts, which the activities Snowden "exposed" were intended to help stop?

If he had exposed that our government was abusing this information - exposed some government identification or mistreatment of a group of people (like say they were identifying young republicans or gay people or something and harassing them or arresting them for minor offenses they discovered by breaking their privacy), that would have been heroic.

Instead he exposed a minutiae that it took two further court rulings to even figure out if it was against the Patriot Act.

And again - all this information we give to Google and Facebook. But there's very little outrage that they have it and can do whatever they want with it. Our country wants it for the purpose of national security and everyone becomes a conspiracy theorist. When did we start trusting multibillion $ companies so much?

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