Election night is one night I’m sort of embarrassed to live in Indiana.

I'm going to partially defend your point:

saying “they have no reason to vote for trump unless they’re racist”

As a progressive, brushing off all Trump supporters with this reasoning makes me angry, too. In 2012 it's estimated that minimum of 6 million former Obama voters switched to Trump. And the reasons they did are obvious to anyone not living in a different world and turning a blind eye to the real economic woe felt throughout country. Net jobs were still being lost, jobs that remained continued to have wages repressed while cost of living increased, premiums still going up and good luck finding good affordable insurance options without an employer because there's still no public option.

Now, where I disagree is that Trump actually helped solved or alleviate these problems. Sure, he said he would in 2016. I don't know what boons you interpret for your family and friends. You're welcome to elaborate, but I don't see much at large.

/r/Indiana Thread Parent