Van Jones: The fact that it's this close hurts

Courtney, you're a white girl from Cali, so that explains it. You have no idea about what the real world is. How many homeless people did you pass today and actually helped? How many homeless tents did you point at and go eww while you quick stepped into Star bucks? Take your CHE shirt off (he was a psycho murderer btw) Its honestly more people like you, that make people like me vote for the people you hate. I vote for Trump as someone who doesn't want to see this Great Country burn because kids like you are upset and can't have your way. We have a Spanish saying for silly people like you "Solo otra estúpida chica americana blanca" Now go ahead and call me the names your thinking in your head. I've heard them before. You wouldn't be the first white girl just like you to call me the S word

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