Election Results 2020: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

We are talking about one person making over 400k and taxing over that amount. This isn’t lumping them in with billionaires. They aren’t billionaire rich, but this change is not going to put them in the poor house or even have a significant impact on their standard of living. I have several family members that are professionals in medicine that seem to be perfectly fine with this tax plan. They worked hard for student loans and make a lot of money. Either way, you’re still putting your personal financial well being before very important society issues because you don’t want your income over 400k to be taxed more? What?

Also, 30 years of education without income? Are you including everything before college here? What does that have to with anything? Tons of people work hard and take out student loans. You’re acting like someone that gets to 400k annual is somehow struggling to survive. Look. You’re ok with people putting their income over 400k before the things I mentioned. I think that’s shitty. We can agree to disagree and move on.

/r/television Thread Parent Link - youtube.com