ELI5: Why am I tired when I try to study but energetic when I start playing a game.

Yeah, a foot hurting would be a personal problem that you should probably ask a doctor who can better treat it than the internet. But this isn't about a damaged foot (I get the analogy).

This is about a problem that a person gets that is not personal at all. If your foot hurts, that's probably because it's sprained, it's broken, it could be a heel spur and those are things relate to that particular person with an injury caused by a different event.

But this isn't an injury with multiple causes. This isn't a problem that only I would have or a problem that is specific to me or a problem that I have to deal with.

If i have an injured foot, it could be broken. If you have an injured foot, it could be a heel spur.

But if i have trouble studying or you have trouble studying a subject we both like but we feel fatigue every single time. This isn't personal, it's a common thing that happens to people.

It would be one thing if I said why can't i study this subject and give no context about how i feel to it. but that is not the case here.

And your definition of "personal problem" is so broad that not only does it not fit with the actual definition, but it can be applied to everything a person can go through. I could be asking why would my foot break after an event but my other friend's foot is just fine with the same event and instead of going into bone density and how different our bodies can be, you would just labeled it as, "that's your problem, man".

My foot hurts and it's broken but my friends foot is fine even though we jumped off the same building at the same time. This is not about why my foot hurts, but why my foot would break while his is fine and someone can go into bone density. And if you can't see the difference between your analogy and mine, then you are one dense narrow minded motherfucker. I would prefer that you wouldn't be.

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