ELI5: Why are the police so aggressive towards black people in the United States

Based on what? They have the medical reports and the crime scene reports. The entrance wounds were in his front not his back.

Not sure which question you're trying to answer.

(Hint: You need to answer ALL of the questions, and many others not listed.)

Again the problem is you're outright rejecting any evidence from the "tainted" city because it disagrees with your pre-established conclusions.

I am not rejecting any evidence, nor have I drawn any conclusion. You have asserted a position on what seems to be extremely fragmented evidence (not to mention drawing conclusions not supported by the evidence mentioned).

Let's try this again... You supposedly have an autopsy report, "crime scene reports" and "medical reports"... From these sources, and any others you have, as well as your personal examination of the crime scene, please provide the following information:

  • Did Brown wrestle for the officer's gun? Based on what?

  • Even if Brown wrestled for the officer's gun, did the officer fire on Brown at that time or later? Based on what?

  • How could the officer fire at that time, if the officer did not have control of his firearm? Based on what?

  • What was Brown's location relative to the officer at the time of the first shot? Based on what?

  • Was Brown armed? Based on what?

  • If armed, what weapon did he have? based on what?

  • If armed, did he appear ready to use the weapon? Based on what?

  • If armed and threatening, at what point was that relative to the time of first shot? Based on what?

  • If not armed, how and why was using deadly force necessary and supported by Department guidelines? Based on what?

  • If the officer fired at that time, how did Brown manage to get so far away with a bullet through his head? Based on what?

  • In which order did the shots strike Brown, and which of them disabled Brown? Based on what?

  • Which direction was Brown facing when the first round was fired? Based on what?

  • Which direction was Brown traveling (if any) when the first round was fired? Based on what? (Note: Direction traveled and direction facing are two distinct things; Brown hypothetically may have been capable of walking backwards.)

Write these facts up with source documentation, and at the top put the words "Independent Investigation". Upload to a file sharing site, and provide a link. If you are incapable of answering these questions, and other relevant questions, or to provide a source that does, then in what way is the following statement not valid:

[The people of Ferguson] may feel, as has been shown to correct, that despite a police shooting an unarmed person , there would be no independent investigation, responsibility or any change, and further that math demonstrates that a greater proportion of blacks being "routinely stopped" results in a greater amount of police abuse towards blacks - even assuming no individual racism on the police officers' parts.

/r/explainlikeimfive Thread