ELI5: How does a computer get its timing so perfect?

The method used is actually quite interesting.

As electricity is used, instead of redstone, it can travel far further distances, more than necessary, without needing to be repeated, so in a sense, it has the advantage this way. Electricity's travel speed varies generally between half the speed of light and 99% the speed of light, but even so, today's computers operate at clock cycles of billions of Hertz.

Alright, aside from the advantages of electricity that makes life a lot easier, timing. Here is an image of a motherboard PCB.

Notice the squiggly lines?

That is done on purpose, to increase travel distance, to match the arrival timings of other wires. This method is most important to the CPU RAM connection, which these days uses 64 different wires for example (actually a few more, but that is what the addressing system uses), to request information from the RAM, which also operates at billions of cycles per second, so timing must be precise, a billionth of a second off, and you just got the wrong information.

/r/explainlikeimfive Thread