Lazy Sunday [19 Jun]

Ugh I’m visiting me nan up north and I decided to stay in a hotel nearby but my room was in the back streets where a restaurant or pub is so I kept hearing a crowd of people talking with music. I tried to get to sleep for ages but I couldn’t.

Then I remembered I had AirPods Pro so I put them in my ears for the noise cancelling and it did work but then it still took me a while to get to sleep for some reason. Then I woke up at 6. Then I went to check my phone and layed on my bed with my phone for a couple minutes.

I went to the bog quite groggy and then I went back to my bed and couldn’t find my phone. Cue frantic searching. Thought where could it possibly be?! Saw a giant gap in the toilet and was mortified it had fallen but I didn’t remember taking it or any noise of a splash. Luckily I had an iPad and could play a sound and found it lodged down at the side of the bed.

So now it’s like twenty past six or half past or something around there and I’m completely awake but groggy. So now for the past hour and a half I’ve been just laying around trying to wake myself up. Opened the blinds. Drank some water. Will have a cup of tea.

After finding my phone I knew there’s no way I will get back to sleep and another hour or two will just make me more groggy and tired plus my head hurts anyway and the pillows are so hard.

/r/CasualUK Thread