Epic needs to learn to be parents to multiple kids. (BR/STW)

/r/Paragon feels the same way. Not gonna go into their drama, but if you head over there and read some recent threads, it is a very grim picture with some alarming details.

I started playing Paragon on PS4 release and I have poured hundreds of dollars into Epic across that game (which I don't play anymore), and Save the World. All of it in good faith that I wasn't just buying items or whatever, but that I would likely see a return on that money in the form of good content and a stable game. Neither Save the World or Paragon ever got that.

I don't feel foolish, and I'm not mad, but I am very disappointed with how Epic has handled this game in particular. It is unforgivable that we have bugs that have existed for months that they won't acknowledge. It is HUGELY disappointing that their community coordinators intentionally leave us in the dark.

Giving feedback on this game is like screaming into a black hole.

No one is listening to us. And thats what sucks the most. There's nothing we as founders can do about it. We just wait around and hope things will get better.

But then I go back to /r/Paragon and I see it doesn't. I see Epic offering refunds to players who aren't happy with the game's direction and it makes me feel like all of this was for nothing. Like Epic found their golden goose, and not only did they double down their efforts on it, but they chose to push to the side their other two projects. And they didn't have to do that.

The greed, the willing ignorance and arrogance from Epic regarding BR is hurtful. Its depressing to support this company for so long only for them to slam the door in my face when they found an easier direction to take.

When the Battle Royale craze is over and FortniteBR goes the way of Overwatch and Paladins, we will remember this.

/r/FORTnITE Thread