Why do Europeans say that America is full of racists when stats show that Americans of all diverse peoples are much more accepting?

Older Americans tend to still hold those racist views they grew up with. There's no changing them.

What we're seeing in politics are a bunch of old men and women pushing laws through that younger Americans disagree with. The same type of old people run news networks like Fox News.

There's a sort of end-all ethical argument in anthropology, a concept called enculturation, where your ethical and moral standing contradicts what you can have an opinion on. What I mean by that is that, for example, in South America, one tribe, at least, defines and determines manhood by subjecting kids to the painful sting of bullet ants at least 10 times. In western nations, this would be seen as abuse. As westerners, though, we can't have an opinion on it because we were raised and brought up in an environment where it's probably illegal and seen as abuse whereas they were not, so our opinions on that subject would oppose each other and no one is in the right. They see it as ok, we don't. Who's right?

Enculturation could also mean what they were subjected to during their education in their household and in school or church. These ingrained ideas mostly don't change, so what we have are a bunch of older people running our government who were subjected to ideas the younger generations of Americans see as morally and ethically reprehensible.

As the younger generations enter politics, we'll see a lot of the ideals held by the older generations of Americans begin to change. Our government and policies will start to reflect that. For now, we're stuck with these old people who continue being reelected because of our apathy and the ideas that we can't change anything. We're stuck with this system. With all the frustration, we're seeing a cultural divide take shape all across the States and an idea that everything is black and white, literally and figuratively.

Our politics might be ultra-shitty now, but it will change.

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