Have you ever felt you were becoming the stereotypical controlling nagging wife? I do, and I want to stop it.....

When I read this, I was honestly felt like my girlfriend was writing this. There is so much similarities between our relationships. I'm in university for Computer Science at an institution known for being really hard. So occasionally when I have assignments, I'll be sitting in front of my computer for a very long time. That and because I procrastinate and leave it till the last 2 days. So really it's my fault. During this time I can be cranky, and I'll often not eat for hours. Like the other day I woke up and went straight to the computer not eating till night. It really takes a toll, but programming can be like that sometimes. During this time I will rarely respond or talk to my girlfriend, and often get irritated by her if I'm in the middle of something, and then she feels horrible for interrupting me because she wants me to do well.

I can see that it isn't her fault, it's just my time management skills. My girlfriend would describe me almost exactly like you have as well which made it seem like you were her (the good things). I haven't been gaining weight, rather losing. But my working out had completely stop this semester.

Okay anyways, everything you described you were doing, to me at least, didn't seem very bad at all. It actually made me empathize with my girlfriend. Something's are different, like we are still dependant on our parents, you know since age and school (we go to the same school and she's 18 and I'm 21, so she has some growing up to do since she just got out of highschool). What are you doing is helping him with big issues, basically time management, health, living space and career choices. I would be grateful to have someone like you. If it gets to a point where you're doing it for every little thing, it might be naggy. Honestly just talk to him, see how he feels. He might only feel annoyed when he's at his own place, which you already addressed, he hadn't eaten and his mind might still be on his work.

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