Have you ever had a sad dream that seemed so real that you woke up still in tears? What did you dream about?

I’ve had a few: One I had when I was younger it was a sort of fight for survival situation and everyone was climbing a wall to get to safety. My mum told me that we have to leave my dad and brother behind if we want to live and I remember climbing that wall and seeing them far behind me just knowing that they weren’t going to make it.

The second I had around the time my mum was ill, before she passed. In the dream she was walking up and down the road outside our house. It was dark and the streetlights were very dim and she walked up and down with her walking stick. Every time I tried to talk to her or get her to come inside she did not respond, she would look at me but it was as if she did not see me. It was a horrible dream because it felt like I’d lost her before I actually had.

The third dream I had was about my boyfriend and I. In the dream we were talking about us and our future and how we wanted to be together and how happy we were. Then he suddenly said he doesn’t want to be with me and left. I cried throughout the rest of the dream and when I woke up I was still in tears and I kept crying throughout the day.

I’ve always had very very realistic dreams and they often have an effect on my day depending on the content.

/r/AskReddit Thread