Have you ever met a chronic liar? What were their worst lies?

That she had cancer, said a friend(f)of mine beat her up so badly she had to go to the hospital for head trauma and while she was in the hospital she lost her unborn child, that another friend(f) of mine made multiple people commit suicide because of their bullying, accused people of being drug abusers, started a gofundme for her sick dog despite not having a dog, that her partner was secretly gay, that friend(nb) hacked into her back account and spent thousands of dollars. She said she had no idea how thousands of dollars ended up on her bank yet she ended up spending it all right away* a lot of crazy stuff. Happened many years ago.

It got so bad to a point that the police ended up getting involved. Her partner was a professional in using photoshop so you can only imagine what kind of sick and twisted fake messages and e-mails she made up together with her partner to try and get people into trouble.

As for the money part, no worries. She was forced to pay people back as it came to the ligh it didn't randomly appear out of nowhere. It was because she was scamming people by selling figurines online but not delivering.

We were all watching from a distance but it was rather insane to suddenly receive messages online asking "did (x) or (y) truly happen?" - of course the messages weren't as kind though as people online blindly believed everything she said, while the people who knew about her in real life avoided, and still do to this day, her because of her schemes and antics.

The kicker? She's still going at it. She keeps changing her online alias so people can't find her. Luckily she's very predictable.

/r/AskReddit Thread