Have you ever tried a "hard drug" like meth, heroin, crack, etc.? What was the experience like? (Serious)

Did cocaine once. Maybe it was shitty cocaine but I didn't really feel much from it so I never did it again.

Did salvia a few times, but didn't like the stronger trips I had with it. If anyone tells you salvia isn't a hard drug, they may not know what they are talking about and haven't tried high concentration extracts or it just doesn't affect them strongly.

It was so disorienting for me (spatially, balance-wise, you feel like gravity works completely differently and incomprehensibly) and one time in this state I almost ran out of my apartment and could have fallen down the stairs.

Fortunately, albeit unpleasantly, I had no capacity to deal with the concept of in-out and when I reached the threshold of the door I clung to it like I might fall off the earth if I let go of that doorframe.

It must've looked pretty strange to any neighbors who saw me clinging to that doorframe for several minutes while I calmed down.

In the height of the high there was always this unpleasant clicking "sound" that I could "hear" but it was a sound in my mind and not perceived through my ears. It always felt like I was being planned and pulled in all different directions as if various and alternating G-forces were acting on different parts of my body and shifting constantly.

After the time that I could've seriously injured or killed myself, I had to strap my leg to the foot of my bed so I couldn't take off like I was wont to do while under the influence of the drug if I was going to smoke or alone. I found it so unpleasant and dangerous that I gave up on it after just a few times when it got to that point.

Extracted my own DMT for a while so I've done that quite a few times. I never "broke through", but the experience is as awe-inducing as they say.

One time I smoked it standing in front of the bathroom mirror and saw this Aztec glyph statue guy emerging from the wall behind me.

Another time I saw thousands of Einstein faces in the texture of the couch.

Another time it looked like a tree violently blowing in the wind outside my apartment was composed of a bunch of entities all connected together and running through the air in tandem.

Another time I smoked it while walking on wooded trails in the local forest park seeing all of the nature exploding with colors and vibrations and kaleidoscopic fractals layered over and within everything.

I never had any brilliant insights while under its effects but I do feel strongly that it had strong context-breaking effects on me in general, helping few me to some extent to easier leave behind the bullshit I was inculcated with growing up.

/r/AskReddit Thread