Every home has a smell that you can't smell when it's your home

I broke up with a long-term girlfriend about a year and a half ago. She changed my life, and we moved in together after about a year into the relationship. It was going great and went downhill abruptly and in a very one-sided way. We're both happy now, and we've moved on, but a few weeks ago I found a long, bright red hair curled on the wall of my bedroom that I had never noticed. It brought me back 18 months and it felt like she had just left all over again. It's insane how just the smallest physical reminders can resurface all the feelings you thought you had gotten over. That tiny, miniscule fiber of her reminded me of her shampoo, the perfume I bought her, the way she always spent too long getting ready to go out (and how long it must have taken her for our first date), and I went through the entire process or meeting her, falling in love, and losing her in just a second. Love is a very powerful thing, and when it's gone it feels like hell. I don't know what my point is here, but it feels good to get it out, and one day it will be just a memory. Don't take any part of the process for granted.

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