MIL: my daughter is becoming obese and needs to lose 20lbs.

Step 1: get a pan, put some water in the bottom Step 2: add fresh chicken with the bone and skin still on Step 3: add excessive amounts of seasoned salt, because I have a problem Step 4: bake at 350F until cooked (this varies based on the cut, but 40 minutes to an hour is a good start) Step 5: leave it in an extra hour, because I got distracted after the timer went off

Because it has the bone and skin, the fat sort of melts out to surround the chicken as it cooks. Its like a super concentrated broth (and can be diluted for this purpose later, if you want). This both keeps the chicken from burning and makes it very juicy. You don't really need to worry about it evaporating out. One time I put some in the oven before leaving and gave my mom instructions to take it out in 2 hours. She forgot, of course, but the chicken was still fine (actually way more than fine, it was amazing) when I got home 6 hours later.

What I'm saying is baked chicken can be really, really good, and it involves less than 5 minutes of prep time.

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