“Everyone else’s money made my life possible. I, of course, oppose this for everyone else.”

An old coworker of mine was very against immigrants because they "scam the system". Ibsaw him recently and he told me how he was a painter but was paid under the table so he could still receive welfare and ebt/medicaid. Quite literally scamming the system.

Another old coworker is legitimately crazy and a religious zealot. He says that democrats are evil and make him shit his pants because they steal his money and give it to minorities and "wealth fare whores". He is also on welfare.

Other things co-worker number 2 posts: LGBT is evil and they're all going to hell. Boobs are gross. People who fornicate in Philadelphia make his life hell. Someone gave the job to a woman that he wanted so he always says that if he had a vagina he could afford things since apparently the woman was only hired for her genitals and not because she isn't a crazy person. Videos of him screaming and crying about democrats and jesus shoving rain clouds up his ass. Everything about how great guns are. His ex from 14 years, 3 months, 2 days (he gets very specific every post) only left him because she was too loose for him.

/r/SelfAwarewolves Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it