To everyone else who is also alone on Christmas eve / Christmas day , it's ok. It's better than being with people who don't love you. We are strong and awesome and we can have a great time on our own !

SO got offended that I didn’t allow a house guest for two weeks. I found out only after being checked in on by the person that is the would be guest’s guardian (the would be guest is a neglected and emotionally abused teen).

Being utterly ignored and ridiculed myself for weeks before, combined with not being consulted about accepting a guest in my own home, especially one with safety implications, (we have a toddler) led me to say no.

Long story short, I got left alone on the holiday when the SO took our kid with her on a last minute, hastily scheduled trip, to the other side of the US, to a friend who properly “celebrates.”

This trip is supposed to be a punishment being that my messages have gone ignored. I learned, however, that I determine my happiness and that I am allowed to shape and mold my environment. Sucks, but everything does indeed happen for a reason. Being alone is at times sad, but only as much as you let it.

/r/CasualConversation Thread