I'm lonely and I don't want to live.

I don’t know what’s going on in your life, but is there anything that you’d like to do or have that feels out of reach? Something that you could maybe try to think of new ways to achieve? It can be whatever, let’s say travel abroad or something that feels too costly to do. I think it’s easier to live when you have stuff to look forward to. Another thing might be the environment that you’re in, may that be where you work or where you live. Some places can truly suck the life out of you, and sometimes you’re surrounded by people who you don’t click with. Just some stuff to think about. Many years ago I had to quit a crappy job without anything else lined up because of how miserable it made me, and I’m so glad that I did that. I worked at a coffee shop for a good while before I found something back in my field, but I could sleep at night.

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