Everyone's had that ONE roommate. What's your roommate horror story?

My freshman roommate of college was quite psycho. Here's some things she did:

Never cleaned or took out the trash.

When I was working on my computer with the rest of the lights off so she could sleep, it would drive her insane that I was up while she was trying to sleep. One night it escalated to her video taping me because I wouldn't turn my computer off, taking photos of my screen, when I hid under my blanket she stuck the camera under the blanket to get me, and then she started saying how some bloody monster on the ceiling was going to eat me, and how if one roommate died the other one would automatically get all A+'s for the semester. (She mentioned that a lot) She also bought a 7 inch knife and kept it on her desk so yeah that was a weird night.

Dumped fake blood over my head at a party because "I wasn't paying attention to her"

Would leave her period panties in the bathroom sink. (Our door room had its own bathroom)

Told everyone my bra size at the lunch table.

Told my boyfriend and my friends that I hated them and never wanted to see them again. A few asked me why she said that, but I lost a lot of friends to her manipulation.

She would buy $200 of groceries a week (she was very overweight) and they would go bad and smell up the room. She would literally buy a City Markey rotisserie chicken and eat the whole thing in one sitting.

She lied ALL THE TIME. I never knew what to believe. She gave me tons of sob stories about how she only acted like she did because she was an emancipated minor, but then her parents send her $5,000 a month, they live in California in a mansion, oh wait actually they live here in town - ect. ect.

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