The Evidence Suggests The Francis-Scalfari Connection is No Accident | Steve Skojec | OnePeterFive

Good grief...

No. That is not at all what's happening. What I did was express an opinion (that I do not like the website) and provided reasons that support my opinion (that it is far-right, and that it is sensationalist aka. a tabloid).

I expressed this opinion on an open forum, so that it could be voted on - because that's what we do here, we vote on the ideas that are expressed. The majority currently disagree with my opinion. That's just fine; but it amazes me how many people are trying to smear me by totally misrepresenting my very clear and simple words.

One could also observe that those defending this website are virtually all being quite uncharitable, and draw further conclusions about that connection, but I'm sure if one did such a thing, one would be slandered even more than the first time.


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