EVs without regenerative breaking and instant torque.

Turn off e-pedal on a LEAF and it drives like any other car ( I think). Also, obviously I don’t know what it’s like to have motion sickness the way you do, but maybe given some time, it will get better? I took a while to get the hang of 1-pedal driving bin my LEAF, but now I think I am just as smooth with that as I used to be driving an ICE with regular brakes. I don’t know what to do about the acceleration. I don’t think you have to accelerate super fast—it’s just what the car does most naturally. I don’t have a great sense of exactly what “instant torque” means, but I like how responsive my EV is. I can imagine some people wouldn’t like it. You’re in the same boat as any new EV driver; you were used to how one kind of car handled, and now you’re experiencing something different. I bet that between getting used to the differences and learning how to make the car do what you want, your motion sickness will diminish.

/r/electricvehicles Thread