Ex-cult members of Reddit, how were you introduced to the cult and how did you manage to escape?

I always find these type of experiences as weird to me. I am currently a Jehovah's Witness and was raised as one (I'm 26) however I apparently had a very different experience than many. My dad (also raised a JW) was #5 of 7 kids, who all went to college. I went to college for chemical engineering. My cousin (also a JW) went for electrical engineering. I was in marching band, school musicals, went to parties, went over to friends houses down the street, stayed over, did all the normal kid things except birthdays and christmas. Do I agree with everything? No, but I also make that known and don't receive any blowback from it. It's hard for me as I can't see this as a negative religion but then I see other's experiences like u/PINOxASSASSIN and feel bad for them. Maybe the congregations in Ohio just don't give as much of a shit or are less restrictive but it seems more like there are terrible people everywhere in every religion as an explanation on how things like child rape could get covered up. Hopefully no matter what they believe those that are in bad situations can get out and get justice if that is needed as well.

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