Ex-suicidal people of reddit who are currently genuinely happy and enjoying life right now, whats your story?

Sister, father, girlfriend who I was madly in love with, all died within the span of 9 years. Was already depressed because fat, Fell into a deep darker depression than I was already in after losing my sister. Then lost my father a few years later. Then my girlfriend. Used alcohol, women, toxic relationships and almost every drug you could think of to cope. Totaled multiple vehicles being young and stupid. But today I have a lot to smile about. I’m at a healthy weight, actually close to running a 10k. I’m in a healthy relationship for the first time ever, plus it’s with my childhood crush from elementary, she already told me she loves me and I think I love her too. I may lose it all, but I’ll live to fight another day!

/r/AskReddit Thread