Excuse me what the fuck

That’s just it, it’s not real life. It’s a sitcom. People here seem to take things weirdly personal or get easily offended or something. But at the end of the day, it’s all about the comedy, and all the characters bring a different brand of humor. Wacky humor: Jake, Nice humor: Terry & Amy, Pity humor: Charles, Wild Card humor: Scully & Hitchcock, “straight man” humor: Ironically Holt & Rosa, Sarcastic humor: Gina. (It’s late and I’m painting with broad strokes here, and a lot of these can apply to many different characters).

So in my opinion, each character brings something a little different to the table, and Gina’s sarcasm provides a nice little bite to balance things out!

/r/brooklynninenine Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com