TIL Disney's Tower of Terror drop tower has been developed by Otis, whose normal job is to make elevator rides as smoothly as possible


Thats German


Also German. Mercedes Benz can claim both the car and motorcycle. Also personal opinion but they make the best cars on the whole.


That's the Wright Brothers. So America.


I don't think anyone "invented" electricity. Although a lot of people can be credited with developing applications for it. Edison and Tesla come to mind as big contributors so I guess American?


Alexander Graham Bell. He was socttish born, and died in Canada but its usually credited as an American invention because that's where he invented it.


You already said that. Unless you mean headphones, in which case probably someone that Edison employed.


Which kind? There are at least four I know of. The kind where socialists run around a field for 90 minutes, don't score any points and pretend to be injured, American football where a bunch of criminals get paid millions of dollars to make political statements and piss off their fan base and Australian football which I don't know much about but probably involves crocodiles or something. And arena football which is American football but inside.

Cars arent German. Motorcycles as we know them are Harley Davidson based, bmw has parents before but who made them popular/household known? Americans Electricity discovered by Ben Franklin an American. Bell, yep an American by citizenship. Football not soccer.

If I double listed phones it's because of beer, as far as I know, a German claim.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org