Everybody loves Gina.

Agreed. Gena is actually ok first few ep. But with how he character evolved. She's not a char with depth anymore. It's not just Amy. I hate characters that are assholes but "oh they are just shy/scared/misunderstood." like no just because they have a shitty experiences or bad times doesn't give them a exuse to be assholes or petty as fuck. And they have her be a dues ex machinea for plot that I feel could have better endings. If they want her to be useful fine I'm ok with her helping / saving the day. But at some point having Gina step in last sec feels anti-cimatic. Give her a clear intention to help rather than haveing it be for the sake of getting attention or by sheer dumb luck. I want the Gena that is supportive. Not the one who yells at any and harrasses Terry.

/r/brooklynninenine Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it