Extremely Scary Hallucinations

I had a helluva experience similar to yours on MDA, yes MDA not MDMA, i took it thinking it was just gonna be more intense MDMA but honestly it was so much different. I took it at a festival and while the comeup was crazy awesome i was wayy to giddy. I was freaking out the people i shown up with and decided to just spilt off on my own. I was in this state of restlessness, i couldnt stop wandering through the crowds and pick a spot to chill. I had to keep moving, i felt like i was sketching out everyone at the event.

I eventually left early cause i started to get intense visuals, i was walking through a part of my city during sundown and almost ANY object in my peripheral vision looking like a person or groups of people. I wasn't too familiar with the area so i was freaking out. I was also hallucinating that these 'people' were talking too but i couldn't make out what i was hearing.

The only dope thing was that if i closed my eyes i could still see people dancing from the festival for some reason lmao.

/r/MDMA Thread