[F/21/Bay Area] I put a lot of effort into making "me" come through. Best part? Worst part? Tips on what should be at the top of self-summary? Yes it's long (I don't mind that), but what if anything should I cut?

So, firstly: In looking at your replies here it seems like you’re not terribly amenable to our advice. And if you’re really trying to make sure that only the one special snowflake makes it to your inbox, then keep doing what you’re doing; that’s a totally valid strategy. But usually if you’re posting here it’s because you’re not getting those special snowflakes, and you’d like a blizzard so you’ve a better chance of finding them. I’m going to keep answering as if it’s the latter.

Practically your whole self summary is what you are: I’m [FOUR LETTERS], my pseudo-scientific breakdown of love expression is thus, etc.

That’s giving me the bullet points version of your personality, as opposed to me discovering your personality through your writing. This is honestly just a “how to write” thing, read this. Is it 1:1 applicable to a dating profile? No. But does it explain the nuance between showing and telling? Hell yes.

The second paragraph in “What I’m doing with my life” should be removed because it’s kneecapping yourself. Remember that just as in first dates you don’t want to self deprecate yourself: everyone is flawed, but people are flighty.

The fact that I like sailing tells you literally nothing about whether we'd be good in a relationship together.

Yes it does. It tells me you have an interesting passion, that it puts you on the sea for times, that you’re likely somewhat active and not just a homebody, that you’re not just a “girly girl”, and so on. Moreover it gives me something to talk to you about. “A well stocked kitchen” tells me you like to cook, but really like to cook. Again, I can extrapolate from this. It paints a picture of who you are.

For the message me if, isn't the point of the site "message me if you like me?". I don't think anybody needs to be told that. Instead I say some fairly broad things that I'm looking for, so if someone "is" those then they know that messaging me won't be a waste.

Yeah, it is, sure, but you don’t want to use it for some bullet points. Looking through your list:

Self awareness. No one is going to think they lack this.

Good communication skills! Separate from: Articulate eloquence and proper English. Again, no one is going to read this and say “I’m a bad communicator, might as well not message them.”

Preferring deep conversation about feelings and ideas Okay, but what feelings and ideas? Be specific, paint me something. Something like, “You want to talk about what separates us from monkeys while our cordon bleu cooks in the oven.” Not that exactly, but even that’s better than what you have.

Love of physical affection in all forms. Extreme openness and emotional intelligence. Most people are going to either be this or ignore this.

Defying gender norms. What do you mean? Splitting the cheque? Not opening the car door? Wearing dresses? It could literally be anything. Be specific. Paint me something.

Very strong interest in science, especially as it has to do with day to day life and the water we fishes swim in. This is like the deep conversation, and is again far too vague.

Understanding that people and the world are extremely complex and subtle, and there's always more to any story. This just sounds condescending, and is moreover going to be ignored by anyone who doesn’t share your sentiments.

I’m being blunter this time around due to your responses to everyone, but frankly your profile needs a good amount of work if you want it to be more popular, and I’d really like you to take the advice of everyone who took their time to give it to you.

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