I [F31] have grown extremely uncomfortable with my husband's [M33] relationship with a younger single woman.

I just wanted to share this story because I've been that "single girl". I [F30] was networking for my job to find an artist to help with a new product we were trying to develop. I met a really talented artist [M 35ish] and we began working on the project. He was really was excited about it because it finally gave him a chance to market his talent and make some good money from it. His fiance was expecting their first child so I was really happy for him as well. On one of my days off I was in the area, so I stopped by his booth (at a Farmer's/Craft Market). We were talking and he was showing me new stuff he was creating. I see out of the coroner of my eye a lady who was clearly pregnant and so I immediately introduced myself and chit chatted with her. If looks could kill, I wouldn't be typing this right now. It was very uncomfortable. She basically said something along the lines that he didn't tell her the Funeral Director he was working with was a younger woman. A few weeks later, I get a call from him. He was very short with me saying he couldn't work with me anymore. He was making beautiful glass artwork incorporating cremated remains. He said the reason he couldn't continue was that his fiance didn't want him working with the cremated remains anymore because she feared their house will become haunted and put her infant in danger. I was pretty disappointed and a little perplexed by his reasoning, but let it be and that was the last conversation we had. A few weeks following that I got a phone call at the Funeral Home. It was a woman asking me if I was "sleeping with her fiance". I was caught off-guard especially since I had recently been dating. When she gave me his name all I could kept repeating was "no, no, no, no" I must have said it 15 times while it was all sinking in. I asked her, "what gave you that idea???". She told me that she just had a gut feeling about it and she had to know the truth. I explained it was always platonic and all I wanted was for him to be successful and assured her the last time I had seen him was when I met her. Now I know why he pulled out of the business which is too bad because we starting working with another artist who is making really good money from it.

I just wanted to share this with you because it very well could be just business as it was in my situation. I do not want to discount your feelings though! If I were in your shoes I would feel jealous as well. I think my best advice for you would be to sit down and really pour your heart out to him and maybe also have a conversation with her. Be honest about how you are feeling, I am sure girl-to-girl she will understand. Allow her to tell you that nothing more is going on, aside from business. I wish I would have had that opportunity to put his fiance's mind at ease before she went and made him quit. (Not saying that you are going to make her husband quit this venture). I hope that it all works out. I can't imagine how awful it feels right now. I hope this offered a little reassurance.

/r/relationships Thread