Fake dating tropes

Oooo I can answer this one!

Back in May, I started my own little fake dating fic which has seen some success. Here’s what several of my readers have said they liked about my interpretation and what I personally think makes fake dating an amazing plot:

-Develop both characters equally. Your characters will be the driving force behind a story like this and if they don’t have chemistry, the audience won’t root for them. How did they meet? Are they friends, coworkers, strangers? Is one party smitten at first and the other indifferent until they start spending time together? So many different dynamics to choose from! -Decide the terms of the “arrangement” and stick to them. How long do they have to keep up the charade? A day, a few weeks, a month? Is PDA something both parties are okay with? Can they still see other people, just discreetly, or are they considered “mutually exclusive”? -Don’t be afraid to mix in other tropes. Along with slow burn, my fic also has a love triangle, which i think is hilarious because I usually hate them. Not only is it used to add tension to the narrative (who will she choose?), it also serves as a contrast to how the MC feels about her “fake boyfriend” and her “friend.” -Make the idea yours! Tropes are great because they can be built off of. For example: my MC’s are Hollywood actors starring in a movie together and the studio wants them to start a fake relationship for publicity (or so they think).

I hope this helped! Good luck with your fic! If you wanna check mine out for ideas, just ask for a link. I’d be happy to share :)

/r/FanFiction Thread