Fanfiction Friday!

I haven't participated much in FFF but I thought I'd start doing recs of some of my favorite fics I've read throughout the week.

My top 3 Drarry picks of the week

Seeing Draco Malfoy by khalulu: Harry loses his glasses in an altercation and they are found by Draco who runs a business in magical repairs and reparations.

One of my favorite bits:

"An hour later, several glasses of quite good wine had managed to loosen Harry's tongue. “You’re an owl beyond compare, Ignatius. Such golden feathers. Such intelligent black eyes. Face like a white heart. Devastatingly good-looking.” Mollified, Ignatius let Harry stroke him. It was nice. Harry hadn’t had an owl since Hedwig.

“Why does no one ever talk to me that way?” Malfoy asked idly, gazing at the ceiling.

“Malfoy, you are an owl beyond compare …”

Malfoy threw a gingernut at him."

Home Is Where The Heart Is by JulietsEmoPhase: JulietsEmoPhase writes some great fics and posts fairly often. This fic is a Muggle AU in which Draco has a lot of anxiety but powers through to go help his Aunt Andromeda when she is ill only to find a stranger cooking in her kitchen when he arrives! It's very sweet and made me squee a bit. My only complaint is that it ended too soon :)

One of my favorite bits:

“Is this Prince Draco!” he [Harry] cried, settling the child [Teddy] on his hip, a goofy, overenthusiastic look on his face as he feigned reverence. “The one I’ve heard so much about?”

Draco winced, embarrassed that his pet name had been divulged to this admittedly very handsome stranger."

That can’t be right by twistedmiracle: this is a bit similar to 'Easy A' in that the entire school thinks Harry is a slut but he's not. This fic is funny and hot.

One of my favorite bits:

Ok. Seriously this fic is explicit so if you're not into that then don't read it. I can't post my favorite bits but let's suffice to say that Draco's fantasies are hilarious in a 'trashy romance novel' type of way!

/r/harrypotter Thread