Obviously just a BH fan who can’t criticize them. Ameer was definitely not the weakest. It’s Bearface. Like, that was the worst thing they could’ve done to replace Ameer— add more Bearface. I understand the sound, thank you. For example, SAN MARCOS sounds like a hook that you’d hear at a middle school graduation. There’s an extreme difference in that song and LAMB or Let’s Get Married or FACE. I hate this “Ameer was the weakest.” He was second only to Kevin. Honestly going to say that JOBA is better than Ameer? Or BEARFACE? That’s crazy, bro. I’m not even asking for more Ameer. You just can’t downplay what he brought. Speaking of contradictions, you say Ameer is weak and then you say you miss his influence on the music. Which is it? I think you’re too caught up in telling yourself that Ameer is bad to really appreciate how HUGE he was for this band. Oh well. I’m still a fan but I am not going to pretend that a subpar album is stellar. So, “at the end of the day,” my opinion is more accurate and important to me than a BH sycophant who can’t take a dissenting opinion.

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