FE Debunked in 5 seconds

Well apparently she think "nothing pulls anything down". I cannot even comprehend how anyone can say something so imbecilic and she is the one always harping on "evident truths". I would think saying that you have to use muscles to lift your legs is pretty goddamn evident, but here we are.

Also the cloud thing...is just.....

She has the same level of understanding of physics that a toddler has. Zero. Absolute zero. Her chance of correctly applying any concept whatsoever in physics is zero percent.

u/maracass is the first person I have ever seen talk that I would say this about. I cannot think of a single concept she actually has a good grasp on. None.

Basic forces? Hell no. Velocity? Nope. The cycle of rain which most people master in first grade? Oh absolutely not.

I mean this in a literal sense, she knows nothing about physics. Absolutely nothing.

/r/flatearth Thread Parent Link - youtube.com