I feel like my angsty-ness made me less attractive? [22] f

I love how you look. You look goth (not emo, people, there's a difference) and I really dig it.

I liked the long hair more but I know that after you get out of a long and hard relationship people usually wants to change their looks and it looks good on you anyway. Black really suits you.

You have a great body, beautiful eyes and are attractive overall. I do like the nose ring and it's not ugly, if you like it, keep it. Fuck the people that denigrate you and that say it makes you look like this and that, I'm a male with long hair who dresses in black and has a left ear earring and people give me a lot of shit without even knowing me, please don't yield to that traditionalist bullshit. I've read some comments and I can see you are above that but still, I wanted to say it.

Yes, you looked more innocent before but you did because I'm pretty sure you were. Time makes you grow and life hits hard sometimes and that shows on the exterior of each one of us. We sometimes need to do stuff with ourselves to face the pain and the bullshit life brings and sometimes that's tattoos or piercings or dressing in black. People who don't change how they look outside often change on the inside and might get aggressive or deppresive or a lot of other shit.

I went through some hard times and that changed me in a similar way you changed, now those hard times are coming to an end but this "new" me really feels me and I wouldn't be able to go back. I am who am I am not to be different than others but because this is how I feel comfortable and good and I'm pretty sure that's how you feel too.

If you really miss your old look, give it a try, dress like you dressed, remove the ring and dye your hair. Try to do that for a month and see if you feel good or "back" . If even the idea of doing that makes you have serious doubts, you're not missing the innocent looks, you're missing the good times or the person you were before instead.

/r/amiugly Thread