I felt my soul leave my body when I saw this.

I'm the opposite, I barely paid attention to it because I was certain it was going to suck. I'm one of like 5 people in the universe who hated The Witcher series including 3, so when I found out that there was a Cyberpunk game by the same developer that had been stuck in development hell for like 5+ years, with all the stuff they were promising, I was certain it was going to be awful.

For some reason I actually bought it (I have COVID and am quarantined at home, bored, so that probably had something to do with it.)

And I actually find myself liking it, more and more. More than The Witcher 3. I think a lot of that is because the idea of it being competition for Read Dead or The Elder Scrolls wasn't really on the table for me, but compared to Far Cry or Watchdogs it's better in just about every quantifiable way, including player choice (one of Cyberpunk's weakest points, but still one where it's much better than games like Far Cry).

/r/cyberpunkgame Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it