Female IRA fighter, 1970s.

Where exactly does the Troubles wikipedia show that Irish killed more civilians?

Here are the facts:

Republican paramilitaries combined are responsible for the death of 727 civilians

British Security and Loyalist Paramilitary responsible for the death of 1064. (878 paramilitary, 174 British armed forces.

The Irish killed more in the roubles because they were more successful at killing military targets. The British in fact killed more civilians.

This is quite simple the end of the argument.

The troubles were in response to 800 years of suffering, the troubles were a battle, not the war. I was making the point that in total, the Irish people suffered thousands of times more at the hands of the British than the British suffered at the hands of the Irish. I was not specifying a decade, but if you wanted to limit it to the 20th century alone it still stands.

You simply can't seem to grasp the above point no matter how many times it is stated.

And no, I'm from Dublin.

And as for posting the links, just because there were a lot does not mean they don't count, the opposite is surely true? That was in response to the outrageous claim that you only shot a few civilians by accident. I've never heard such rubbish. As for the women and children, 1,000,000 died in the famine brought on by the British Empire, I'm sure a few were women and children.

Here are the facts broken down if you'd like to read them.

Republican paramilitaries combined are responsible for 2060 casualties during the Troubles:

727 Civilians 1080 British Security Forces 187 Republican paramilitaries (inclusive of accidents, informers and feuds) 56 Loyalist paramilitaries. 10 Irish security.

(http://cain.ulst.ac.uk/sutton/crosstabs.html Enter "Status Summary" as the first variable & "Organisation Summary" and the second.)

35% of the people killed by Republicans were civilians. The designation civilian in this summary is inclusive of politicians (25 killed), prison officers (22 killed), suspected informers (who weren’t members of Republican paramilitaries) and accused criminals who were killed by Republicans acting as vigilantes. However the majority of civilians are those completely uninvolved who were caught up in bombings/shootings.

The above figures are inclusive of all Republican groups up to 1999 (PIRA, OIRA, INLA, IPLO, IPLO Belfast and the RIRA) Omagh is included. By 1999 the CIRA had killed no one. The figures also include all civilians deaths perpetrated by Republican’s using cover names such as Direct Action Against Drugs, Republican Action Force, Catholic Reaction Force ect.

The figures for the Provisional IRA are as follows. The PIRA caused the deaths of 1711 people:

512 Civilians 1012 British Security Forces 141 Republican paramilitaries 39 Loyalist Paramiltaries 7 Irish security

(http://cain.ulst.ac.uk/sutton/crosstabs.html enter "Status" as the first variable and "Organisation" as the second)

29.9% of the people killed by the PIRA were civilians.

Loyalist paramilitaries killed 1016 people during the Troubles:

868 Civilians 14 British Security 41 Republican paramilitaries. 93 Loyalist paramilitaries (mostly feuds, some accidents)

85.43% of people killed by Loyalists were civilians. 4.7% of the people killed by Loyalists were Republican paramilitaries. That figure includes Republicans who were ex-paramilitaries. Loyalists killed more civilians then anyone during the Troubles.

/r/OldSchoolCool Thread Parent Link - 4.bp.blogspot.com