FINAL FANTASY XV: Question/Help Megathread (Day 5) - Post Your Questions Here!

So I finished the main quest chain today and I still have some questions.


*LORE : *   1) Was Ardyn Noctis' great-great-great-grandfather's brother or something like that and got rejected from the crystals power?   2) The bodies held up with chains in the throne room when you confront Ardyn, were those Aranea, Biggs & Wedge, or 3 other people? Didn't really recognize them in the few seconds I saw them.   3) How did Ravus die initially? Why was his body the only one not vanished/turned (yet) when you find him?   4) The scene where Noctis gets pierced by his ancestors, is the last one his father's spectre and therefore taking longer/leaving the sword in him?   5) Why didn't Ardyn outright kill Noct's friends instead of subdueing them?   6) The ending campfire scene, was that a sort of extra time the Six grant him with his friends before passing on together with Lunafreya's spirit?   7) Prompto, did he knew all along he was an "MT", how come he can stay in the sunlight? Why didn't he say anything earlier and why is the group so keen on not discussing it other than to make Prompto feel more human? Feels like a very important aspect on the nature of Daemons unexplained to me?   8) More of a speculation question, but who is/would be king after the final events?



  1) Is there a new game+ feature/will there be at some point?   2) Why the hell are the monsters in Insomnia so differing in power? I literally got one shot by those 2 roaming Naga in the side street and had to keep running, other fights were easy (arachna's, ronin,..). Is this a sort of end-level mini-boss/boss zone?   3) Are there hidden bosses?   4) More of an opinion than anything, but I feel like the Ifrit fight (with Bahamut and Shiva) was 10 times more epic (also harder) than the final fight v. Ardyn, anyone else feels like this?  

  Thank you for your time reading this, hope to get some answers since the game is very good at being cryptic IMO.

/r/FFXV Thread