First attempt at recording a Duel:GIVE ME CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM.

1:40-1:47, Dont fight him inside the minion wave You probably just forgot but you have to put a point in your ult before you can lifesteal Don't panic, When he kraken the red buff that should of been a free kill, Slow down and look where he is going and aim ahead and try to predict. Most people have similar Juke patterns if they juke left,then most of the time they go right afterwards Aim your axe ahead of time Poke him with your 3, or just jump in He has ult but you have aegis, immune the kraken and jump in. At that distance i doubt you can miss the axe Axe-basic-switch-Blade arrow-basic-hail of arrows When you use blade arrow, realize that you can basic right after it The counter to warlocks is qins Build defense earlier, probably 3rd or 4th Atk speed ullr is better in general, especially if you can't hit most of your abilities, and you could of killed him with an atk speed build when he hogged you Hit the whole wave with your 1, stop going to the side and shit. Play more aggressive, stand at his towerline Look up Sexy rexsi on youtube, he's famous for his ullr.

/r/Smite Thread